Whangarei man, Alan Mountford has started a petition asking for
an investigation into whether or not there was reasonable doubt in Scott's
On the 12th of January 1998 the police knew exactly what they were
doing when they said to Scott 'We are going to parade your boat through the main
street of Picton and the media are going to crucify you'. From that point on all
statements to police were made with Scott in mind. The blackening of his
character went hand in hand. Anyone with a grudge against Scott now had a chance
to get one up on him. One witness even used the opportunity to cash in on a
gripe he had with the boatyard where Scott once worked.
The end result was a
character assassination of proportions never before seen in this country. By the
time he came to trial in June 1999 he was presumed guilty before even walking
into the court and basic evidence of the case was completely hidden by
Here is your chance to have a say by signing the petition.
If you are interested in signing the petition or collecting a few signatures from family and friends, please contact:
Jenny Kalaugher
(09) 372-6933
Click here to sign the petition online