Scott Watson
Convicted of a Crime that he could not possibly have committed!
In 1999 Scott Watson was convicted of the murders of Ben Smart and Olivia hope following a New Years eve party at Furneaux Lodge in the Marlborough Sounds(New Zealand). Eye witnesses describe the person last seen with Ben and Olivia in the early hours of New Years day as a long haired "mystery Man' with several days beard growth. The boat that they were last seen boarding was described by witnesses as a 40ft wooden ketch (two masted yacht) with high freeboard. When Scott was photographed earlier in the evening before going ashore, he had short hair and was obviously clean shaven. His yacht "Blade' is a 26ft steel sloop (single masted yacht) with very low freeboard. These basic facts were swept under the carpet by the authorities by means of a multi-million dollar smear campaign. This included the use of gang members who were rewarded very well indeed for their secret testimonies.
If you have any information that may help to identify the person depicted in this portrait, please make email contact by clicking onto the portrait or by telephoning Mike and Jenny Kalaugher: Work (09) 372-7552 Home (09) 372-6933 |
Portrait of "Mystery Man" drawn by an artist after interviewing Guy Wallace. Both Guy Wallace who served the man at the bar and later took him to a ketch, and the bar manager Roz McNeilly who also served this man at the bar, say the portrait is a good recognisable likeness of the man. The man was about 174cm (5ft 9in) tall, wiry build, dark hair, weatherbeaten, aged about 32 at the time (now aged about 36). Guy states that during the creation of the original police identikit the sketch machine broke down halfway through and that sketch is wrong on several points eg hair too short and straight, more facial hair needed(stubble since added) and wrong eyes. He also served this man drinks earlier in the evening whilst working behind the bar. He claims the "mystery man" was drinking in the bar as early as 8.00 to 9.00pm.
For more detail on the identification methods used by the police in this case go to the Witness Identification page
This photo of Scott was taken onboard the Mina Cornelia at about 9.30pm before going ashore for the evening. At least half an hour after the mystery man is said to have been ashore drinking in the bar. He is plainly clean shaven and his hair is very short. When shown this photo at the depositions hearing, Guy Wallace said that this was not the man that he delivered to the "mystery ketch" with Ben and Olivia. Some of the people pictured stated in evidence that Scott returned to his boat alone at around 3.30am. |
Mystery Ketch
This is the most up to date identikit sketch of the "mystery ketch" based on descriptions given by the witnesses who saw it. The original identikit drawn by an artist commissioned by the police and released early in the investigation is misleading in some respects. There is a more detailed description on the mystery ketch page |
Guy Wallace stated in evidence at the trial that the only thing "Blade" had in common with the "mystery ketch" was that it floated. Scott is pictured in the foreground.
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Just Who
Was Present at Furneaux Lodge? A check
list of people who are recorded as being present at Furneaux Lodge on New
Years Eve 97/98 has been set-up on this website.If you were at Furneaux
Lodge and not recorded on the list or know of someone else who was there
that is not recorded on the list, it is very important that you make
contact. This can be done by clicking the email button on the list
Ben and Olivia, What Really Happened? A full account of the trial is given in the book: "Ben and Olivia, What Really Happened?" by Jason Rhodes and Ian Wishart. Available at good book stores and libraries near you. You can also order it online by clicking onto this link: |
The Petition Names are being gathered for a petition to be presented to Parliment asking for an inquiry to look at the evidence presented in this case. If you are interested in signing the petition:
Please sign the Guest Book or send an email.
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